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2022 Tamiya Astute TD2

More Details – 2022 Tamiya Astute TD2

The good people over at Tamiya have been teasing their futuristic looking Astute TD2 buggy kit for a few weeks. Today Tamiya released full details on the TD2 to help give you guys more information before its final release. Check out the details below- * Brand new TD2 2wd chassis * Newly designed body by Kota Nezu of Znug Design * 1/10 assembly [...]


Taimya TD2 Astute Buggy Kit Video

Video – Tamiya Astute TD2 Buggy Kit

The crew at Tamiya recently posted a new promotional video for their upcoming Astute TD2 Buggy Kit. The TD2 is an all new buggy from Tamiya and features a futuristic look. The video shows the TD2 cutting some hot laps around a track, hitting jumps and roosting around corners. From watching the video, the 2wd TD2 Astute looks more than [...]

